Sweet, sweet March. Our beloved month of basketball is back, which means “busted bracket” is part of daily conversation, and it’s more convenient than ever to have a desk where your boss can’t see your computer screen. It’s kind of crazy to think that March Madness started in 1939 with…
We’ve all heard the idiom, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” And some of us (the oldies but goodies) have heard rockin’ Rod Stewart sing, “every picture tells a story.” Both of these phrases are other ways of saying that a photograph communicates meaning and essence easier than words…
I’m referencing the 1990 American comedy film starring Dudley Moore, in which a bitter ad executive reaches his breaking point and begins telling too much truth in his ad copy. I re-watched Crazy People recently, and while I thought it was hilarious, I was also struck by how close to…
My fellow creatives, I’m here to address and provide solutions to one of the not-so-fun realities of our professions: creative ruts. That unwanted pal named Writer’s Block. That season of ho-hum designing, passionless painting or questioning if we’re actually meant to be makers. Troughs in the creative industry are inevitable…
On December 7, 2013, the SpaghettiOs brand learned a valuable lesson: don’t let a circular pasta cartoon character commemorate one of the most solemn moments in American history. With a single tweet, the brand brought about its own day that would live in infamy. Turns out, a smiling, red-sneakered SpaghettiO-ffender is…
In the age of camera phones and social media, like it or not, everyone is a photographer. However, we’ve all seen too many blurry, dark, indistinguishable photos that leave us scratching our heads as to why someone would even post those photos in the first place. Weak photos won’t do…