

May 15, 2019

Haters Gonna Hate. And That’s OK.

Tattoos. Filet-O-Fish sandwiches. Dubstep. Kim Kardashian. CrossFit. What do they all share in common? They’re not for everyone. Why am I telling you this? Because neither is your brand. But before you give up on what likely just came off as a harsh or negative point of view, hear me…
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October 18, 2017


It’s a question almost every writer hears at some point in their lives. And for people who work in creative-driven industries like advertising and marketing, you can’t escape it. How did they come up with The Most Interesting Man in the World for Dos Equis? What made them think of…
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BrandingCopywritingCreativityCultureFood for Thought
October 16, 2017

Context is King

I know what you’re thinking: That’s a typo. She definitely meant “content,” right? In the digital space, we tend to think that content is EVERYTHING. Which isn’t wrong, because it is a lot of things. Important things even, but it definitely isn’t everything. A lot of times we fall in…
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CopywritingCreativityFood for Thought
August 29, 2017

So You Want to Be a Better Writer…

Triple spaces between sentences and 12.5 font might’ve worked in English 101, but as marketers, writing is a skill we need to take a little more seriously. Because let’s be honest – shortcuts won’t work for email subject lines, business proposals and all the other places that require us to…
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