Triple spaces between sentences and 12.5 font might’ve worked in English 101, but as marketers, writing is a skill we need to take a little more seriously. Because let’s be honest – shortcuts won’t work for email subject lines, business proposals and all the other places that require us to craft just the right message. Need to brush up on your skills? Here’s how:

Read more. Obviously you’ll gain knowledge from reading, but it’s also where you’ll find inspiration. Subscribe to a blog, read a magazine or pick up a good old-fashioned book. Extra points if it’s one you wouldn’t normally choose.   

Talk to people like they’re people. Big words and industry jargon don’t really impress anyone. Opting for a conversational tone instead will help your readers establish a connection with you, almost as if they know you in person.

Do a quick first draft. Quality shouldn’t be your top priority right out of the gate. Get any and all of your thoughts on the page first, then come back to edit them down and polish them up.

Know the difference between “your” and “you’re.” Seriously though. Failing to use proper spelling and grammar gives off the vibe that you don’t really care – an easy way to lose credibility. Proofread your work. Then have someone else take a look.

Be confident. Putting yourself out there and hoping your ideas are worthy of someone’s attention can be intimidating. But practicing all of the above will help build your confidence, as will drinking wine while you write. So also do some of that.

Need more writing advice (or someone to drink that Cabernet with)? We’re here to help. Email us at or give us a shout at 913.229.3500.